Season 1 - World Seed - "-2143500864"
For the first season of FossaCraft. The seed we used is "-2143500864", which is the same as the Hermitcraft season 7 seed, as in the first season we wanted to mimic the YouTubers, which soon changed as we developed and found what was best for us. This seasons main goals were for it to be a welcome season, which we would use to get familiar with the way the server would operate and also form friendships with other players. We chose to do a "Nether-roof Nether-hub", to allow for ease of access to each others bases which in turn meant that we could visit people more often to work or projects and/or prank and/or, even, gift drop!
Throughout the season, we had many challenges and events. Some included: Prank Wars, PvP Wars, Most Time Played, Server-Wide End Busting, and a Portal test Chamber event too! There were a few clubs/groups that formed such as the Chronos Clan, the Colonels Club and the Phantom Troupe. Further more, we had our own Poultry Man too. There were also many smaller groups/teams that formed among friendships.
Shops and services thrived in our, mushroom island, shopping district this season with shops from membership subscriptions like the "Colonels Club" store to mini markets like the "Nether Store" and even pop up trucks, market stalls, and other temporary stores which soon became a permanent part of the district as they were so loved and shopped in. Alongside, there were a few services offered by the Fossa's some including them offering their building and even redstone expertise for a price. A few small games became of such in the district too. Such as an Elytra Course, a mega Changing Maze, a Diamond Hunt, and a Treasure Ship. Also, an honorable mention goes out to Rowlet021103 for trying to complete his mega Dungeon Quest game in the district. Although unfortunately didn't have enough time to finish, he hopes to try and recreate this amazing project.
Many datapacks were included in the server such as Multiplayer Sleep, More Animal & Player Heads, Track Raw Statistics, Dragon Drops etc. Most of which were found Here on the Vanilla Tweaks website. Alongside, a few custom boss datapacks that hotshotjackamo altered himself to give the community a few extra bosses to tackle and keep their creativity growing, such as the Pyro Lord which dropped a Blaze Totem allowing the player to be immune to fire when held, and the Lord of Algor which dropped a Vex Totem allowing the player to levitate when held.
Season 1 Base location list:
- hotshotjackamo: -1000 ~ -50
- _LW04: -100 ~ -400
- Rowlet021103: 1050 ~ 475.
- BlxckSkxes: 1033 ~ 563
- JohnSkill: -70 ~ -209
- Gensoku: -1250 ~ 1000
- MambaJambaJeff: 700 ~ 250
- Dabombguy: -1500 ~ 800
- JohnSkill: -80 ~ -200
- Isfril: 2400 ~ 500
- WEBBYSUGAR3974: -1400 ~ 1000
- Zavodny: -1500 ~ 500
- xX6Shadow6Xx: -1580 ~ 650
- SeaSharkdododo: -1000 ~ 850
- Douwnlin: -700 ~ 780
- xXMeteorXx: 900 ~ 300
- JosukeAndDiamond: -1126 ~ -286